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Home » Resources » Millionaire in the Making – Larry Bell

Millionaire in the Making – Larry Bell

Hi Lynette,

I just wanted to thank you for helping me convince myself to leave a key at the house and let people show themselves (or sell themselves, as I call it now).  I have done several rent-to-own deals already, but this is the first time I never met the people until we signed the lease, and I collected the deposit!

I have attached a picture of the house and the deposit of $2,000 in good old Canadian cash!  The remainder of the $5,000 deposit will be paid by the September 1st move in date.  This one tip has saved me a lot of time by not having to show the house or waiting at the house for people who don’t even show up.

Thank you, Lynette, for your mentoring support and helpful suggestions!

Larry Bell, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

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5 Responses to Millionaire in the Making – Larry Bell

  1. Eric Murphy says:

    Absolutely AWESOME!

  2. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Larry,

    Congratulations and good job on the decision to join Ron LeGrand! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good choices and are becoming a successful real estate investors. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

    Bye for now,

  3. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Don,

    Congratulations and good job on the real estate deal! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good investing decisions and are becoming a successful real estate investor. I am new to Planet Ron, and am still working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

    Bye for now,

  4. Robert Straker says:

    Oh by the way Larry,
    How many other deals have you done since this one? It would be interesting to find out what other deals you have so we can all learn from you experience and perhaps use that knowledge to help ourselves make us successful. Thank you and take care.

  5. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Larry,

    I am working on a deal right now and hope you are reading this comment so as to replying and giving me some words of encouragement, advice, and support. I sure could use it so that I too can be a successful investor! Maybe I’ll hear from you soon? Take care.

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