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Home » Resources » Millionaire in the Making – Mike Vigil

Millionaire in the Making – Mike Vigil

“I was mentored by the Iannotti’s this year and am now successfully closing ACTS deals monthly.  I have closed on free and clear, sweat for equity and overleveraged houses, averaging about $4,000 per deal.

This has been a trial year for me with this new system and am now aiming to increase my marketing for 2013 so I can average no less than four a month.  Working these deals in my area was a little challenging since properties here are too overleveraged.  I then decided to explore another less over-financed area where I now work remotely, 400 miles away from where I live, with the help of virtual assistants and a property acquisitionist.

This could not have happened without the help of Jon and Stephanie. They were instrumental in getting this business off the ground, and I owe them big time.”

Happy Holidays!!

Best Regards,

Mike Vigil

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8 Responses to Millionaire in the Making – Mike Vigil

  1. Sharon Collins says:

    Where do you find a property acquisitionist?

  2. Todd Smith says:

    Wow, great testimonial for mentoring and action!
    I love the Ianottis; they are great mentors who are very willing to help you and hold you accountable.

    Go for it! Make 2013 the best year of your life yet!

  3. Tom Pratto says:

    Sweet!!! Nice job.

  4. Sagirah Muhammad says:

    Wow, great way to think outside the box.

  5. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Mike,

    Congratulations and good job on the deals! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good money and are becoming a successful real estate investor. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

    Bye for now,

  6. Robert Straker says:


    How many other deals have you done since this one? We would all like to know. Please post more of them so we can read about your success, as it motivates those of us who are new and who want to be successful like you.

  7. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Mike,

    Congratulations and good job on the decision to join Ron LeGrand! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good choices and are becoming a successful real estate investors. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

  8. Robert Straker says:

    Hello Mike,

    I am working on a deal right now and hope you are reading this comment so as to replying and giving me some words of encouragement, advice, and support. I sure could use it so that I too can be a successful investor! Maybe I’ll hear from you soon? Take care.

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