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Home » Resources » Planet Ron » Planet Ron – Change Your Life Forever!

Planet Ron – Change Your Life Forever!

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15 Responses to Planet Ron – Change Your Life Forever!

  1. Scott Burton says:

    this is incredible. direct from the master, himself.

  2. DL Lieberman says:

    I feel like Janet from another planet…Planet Ron. The intro music is as intriguing as Ron’s material and concepts!!

    Excitement and Drama backed by a logical plan and strategy to Change Your Life… I AM READY!

  3. CRES Mandujano says:

    great lesson with music and drama like from another planet(strange I never have been and
    another planet) but is diferent I will came in peace

  4. Quentin & Kristina Freeman says:

    I am definitely looking forward to changing my life forever.

  5. Quentin/Kristina Freeman says:

    Soon we’ll be getting on this but too to learn how to make big bucks!

  6. DENISE RUSH says:


  7. Mr. Ross says:

    I know it will help but im not having trouble at all how about you folks

  8. Roger Young says:

    Fantastic video!

  9. Gary Soghomonian says:

    Papa Is world Class teacher Guru great video.

  10. KJ Roberts says:

    Perfect keep the good stuff coming

  11. KJ Roberts says:

    This is awesome

  12. Earl Stacey says:


  13. Todd Smith says:

    Nice vid!

  14. Matthew Hell says:

    Ron is truly a millionaire maker and I am so glad I’m learning thru him than Dean G. It just seems like Ron likes things to be easy and simple, with no money starting out. and he really cares about his students.

  15. Anders Karlsson says:

    I joined planet Ron. Great inspiring video.

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