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Home » Resources » Planet Ron » Planet Ron – Sept. 11th Remembrance

Planet Ron – Sept. 11th Remembrance

In honor of the victims of the attack on America on September 11, 2001, Ron and all of the employees of Global Publishing invite you to partake in a minute of silence to not only remember each of the 2,977 people who lost their lives that day, but also for the families and loved ones left behind to carry on without their parents, children, spouses, loved one and friends.

It is with heavy hearts that we grieve for the citizens, military members, police officers, firefighters and innocent victims who gave their lives both on that day and ever since in the continuing effort to defend our freedoms. We will never forget their sacrifice, and they will live forever on in our hearts and minds. We are only the Land of the Free because of the Brave!

Please join Ron for a short message on remembrance, and observe today with the solemn respect it deserves:

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6 Responses to Planet Ron – Sept. 11th Remembrance

  1. Mark Frazier says:

    Well said and pray for our nation

  2. Sandra Strange says:

    We truly have a lot to be thankful for. Well said Ron!

  3. Jerry Chester says:

    Thanks for the reminder Ron. Rarely does a day go by that we hear about atrocities against our citizens and allies.
    Pray for our troops as they work hard to keep us from harm.

  4. Steve Stockmal says:

    Thank you to all our troops and all the great citizens of our nation who put their lives on the line for us everyday. God bless the USA.

  5. Lenny Morani says:

    Hello RON.
    Congratulations for remembering our heroes. I used to live in NYC. I was inside those two towers more than 100 times for business. I love the USA. We will always be FREE. Nobody will put us down.
    US Army Veteran.

  6. Keith Barrand says:

    I lost two customers in those buildings that day. Friends of mine in the financial industry lost dozens. I remember after work going to a place in my town where I could see the New York skyline. Stood there and watched the smoke for an hour. I’ll never forget.

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