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Home » Resources » Student Success Stories – George Discher

Student Success Stories – George Discher

To all those starting out in real estate using Ron Legrand’s strategies, you MUST have a Mentor.  You simply cannot put a price on the insight, the encouragement, the guidance and accountability that being in the Mentor Program brings.  

My Mentor(s) are Scot Poirier and John Gerstenlauer.  Being that I am a newbie to real estate, I’m working primarily with Scot and I can tell you for a fact that without his mentoring, I would have gone absolutely nowhere with the overwhelming amount of  knowledge I learned at Ron’s live training.  

Scot has been invaluable in teaching me how keep things in perspective and have the proper mindset to handle any seller response that comes my way.  Mindset is key!  I’ve also learned to quickly evaluate potential FSBO deals which lends a great deal of confidence prior to calling a seller.

I still have much to learn and lots more calls to make before it will be second nature for me, but thanks to Scot I am well on my way.  The Deals will follow!

Thank you, Ron, and thank you Scot (and John)!

George Discher

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5 Responses to Student Success Stories – George Discher

  1. Robert Straker says:

    Hello George,

    Good advice! Yes, I do need a mentor but cannot afford one right now. I will have to wait until my first deal goes through and I can make money to afford one. In the mean time, take care and keep investing.

    Bye for now,

  2. Tony Stewart says:

    Thanks for sharing! I agree that a mentor is important and I am in the process of getting one. I look forward to your updates. Be blessed!

  3. Robert Straker says:

    Hello George,

    Congratulations and good job on the seminar! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good investing decisions and are becoming a successful real estate investor. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

    Bye for now,

  4. Robert Straker says:

    Oh by the way George,
    How many other deals have you done since this one? It would be interesting to find out what other deals you have so we can all learn from you experience and perhaps use that knowledge to help ourselves make us successful. Take care.

  5. Robert Straker says:

    Hello George,

    I am working on a deal right now and hope you are reading this comment so as to replying and giving me some words of encouragement, advice, and support. I sure could use it so that I too can be a successful investor! Maybe I’ll hear from you soon? Take care.

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