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Home » Resources » Student Success Story – John Kotlarski

Student Success Story – John Kotlarski

I had my first deal with Ron Legrand and Tony Pearl as my mentor in July 2017.

In my first deal, I took control of the property subject to the existing mortgage of $52,000.00. Using the scripts provided, the seller agreed to pay the next 2 months mortgage payments and I would begin making payments directly to his bank after that. He showed at the closing table with a check made out to my company in the amount of $1,400. (Monthly payments are $700.)

This felt like he paid me to take the deal.

I really expected him to just make the payments, and then I would begin as agreed. I used that money to make the next payments as agreed. I sold the property using a wrap mortgage and seller financing. The buyer bought from me at $80,000 and put $6,800 down and agreed to pay me $850 per/ month for 15 years.

Within 63 days of me taking possession of the property, I had closed with another buyer. I used the open hose method I had learned about in Ron Legrand’s Quick Start Boot Camp.

The limiting belief I had at this point, was that open houses are only done on the weekend. There is no granite tablet written by the fiery finger of the almighty that dictates this. Nor is there any paper written by any man anywhere that dictates that you only have to do open houses on the weekend. Lesson learned, and the way I will operate going forward I will use this open house technique every day until I get a qualified buyer.

Looking back, I only had the open house event 8 times. Probably could have and should have moved this property much quicker had I used this technique every day.

Please feel free to share this information with others!

John Kotlarski

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7 Responses to Student Success Story – John Kotlarski

  1. Dan Sawman says:

    That is awesome John! Thanks for sharing that experience. My question is to you. If this happens to go to the bank as a foreclosure how would this affect your contract with the seller?

  2. Tony Pearl says:

    Way to go, John!
    It was a pleasure mentoring you, and this is the first of many to come!

  3. Robert Straker says:

    Hello John,

    Good job on the deal! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good money. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care and keep up the good work.

    Bye for now,

  4. Tony and Angie Stewart says:

    thanks for sharing this information and this approach. It’s funny how we think of open houses as a weekend thing. People want to see pretty houses everyday!

  5. Robert Straker says:

    Hello John,

    Congratulations and good job on the seminar! I am proud of you and your efforts. Glad to read that you made some good investing decisions and are becoming a successful real estate investor. I am new to Planet Ron, and am working on my first deal. One day I too will be able to post a success story like yours. Take care, keep up the good work, and keep on investing.

    Bye for now,

  6. Robert Straker says:

    Oh by the way John,
    How many other deals have you done since this one? It would be interesting to find out what other deals you have so we can all learn from you experience and perhaps use that knowledge to help ourselves make us successful. Thank you and take care.

  7. Robert Straker says:

    Hello John,

    I am working on a deal right now and hope you are reading this comment so as to replying and giving me some words of encouragement, advice, and support. I sure could use it so that I too can be a successful investor! Maybe I’ll hear from you soon? Take care.

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