On occasion, student’s will send in jokes that are pretty good. So when this one came in from Michelle Simms, we wanted to make sure it was shared with everyone! Read it below:
What do great affordable contractors have in common with UFOs?
You always hear stories about them, but no one you know has actually seen one!
What 3 keys don’t open a door?
Turkey,monkey and donkey
Hahhaha!!!LOL!!!!… That’s funny thanks for making me laugh!!!!
That’s way good affordable contractors are unidentified objects right
I like it. Now that there is COVid, prices are even higher. Haven’t seen any UFOs lately either.
Thanks for the joke, it made me laugh! Yes, contractors can be a lot like UFO’s. I know of one who comes in early mornings to his sites, works a few hours, then goes of to his weekly job at a retail store.
Bye for now,
I have a few jokes to tell you, and I am glad to share one of them. Here it is:
What do you call a detective who is also a real estate agent? Sherlock Homes.
Bye for now,
Pun of the day!
I told my Realtor I wanted a house with a basement, she replied: “that’s a deep request”.
Hey Righteous Allah,
Great joke! Do you have any more like that to share with us? I want to read more of them.