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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » The Gold Club Weekly Report » “What’s Stopping You from Getting Started?” by Jeanne Chizek and Michele Hoffecker

“What’s Stopping You from Getting Started?” by Jeanne Chizek and Michele Hoffecker

Would you like to be a Real Estate investor? Have you gotten started? Have you made any offers? If not, why not? Or have you been procrastinating?

Have you been to a Real Estate Seminar or two or three…?

Have you researched the market in your area for the third time by talking to several more Real Estate agents and the guy down the street?

What excuses do you use?

It’s not the right time. You don’t have any money. There is too much competition. It’s Wednesday…

It is best to know whether or not you are a procrastinator. Odds are you’re procrastinating. Are you ready to overcome this roadblock?

Are you brave enough to answer the following 8 questions with a Yes or a No to see if you are a procrastinator?

  1. Do you feel overwhelmed and do nothing when you get too much information at one time? Yes___ No___
  2. Do you usually think a task will take longer then you expect? Yes___ No___
  3. Do you want to put the “worst” task off and do it later? Yes___ No___
  4. Do you put off doing a task because you want it to be perfect? Yes___ No___
  5. Do you think that if you do not make the call, they cannot say no? Yes___ No___
  6. Are you afraid that if you make the call, they may say yes? Yes___ No___
  7. Are you afraid that if you are successful, your family and friends will treat you differently? Yes___ No___
  8. Do you put off a task until the last minute, thinking you will get it done, and run out of time to do it? Yes___ No___

By answering these questions, you will see whether or not you are procrastinating. Once you recognize that you have been procrastinating, you can take the steps you need to take to overcome procrastinating and become a successful Real Estate investor.

If you answered no to most of the questions, the good news is you are doing all these steps. Right?

Once you have been made aware of your action or lack of action, you can decide if you would like to overcome the procrastination behavior. The following 10 solutions can help you get started:

  1. The best way to start any task is to break it down into easier steps.
  2. Use a list to schedule your day’s activities and schedule your day. It is a really good tool to use to keep you on track in all aspect of your life, both business and personal.
  3. Allow the appropriate amount of time for each task. You will learn this by keeping track of how long it takes to do a task and making a note of it.
  4. Don’t keep putting off tasks until you think you have enough time to do it all, break the task down into steps.
  5. Know what time is your best time to make calls, i.e. morning, afternoon or evening.
  6. If you have a small task, make use of short periods of time you have available during the day. For example if you have 5-15 minutes you can return a phone call or return an email.
  7. Make a list of things you find easy to do and get them done.
  8. Make a list of things you do not like to do and delegate them; if you do need to do them, do them first and get them out of the way.
  9. It is important to make time to do some sort of physical activity 3-5 days a week. This can be walking, swimming, stretching, yoga, meditation or any other activity that you enjoy. This is a great stress reliever.

10. Set “office hours” in your home if you do not have an office. This will allow you to not to be interrupted or distracted. Let your family and friends know. Stick to your “office hours.”

To get started, we suggest that you use a day planner, Franklin timer, appointment scheduler or an app on your smart phone or tablet to keep track of your time and projects. In Ron LeGrand’s Business Management Class, Ron goes over how he runs his business and how he keeps track of his deals. It is a really good class with a lot of valuable information.

We have found that using a daily planner keeps us on track and has been instrumental in keeping us on track and moving us forward. We highly recommend that you use a scheduler to keep you on track. You can plan your day the night before or first thing in the morning whatever you find works best for you. You can try both ways to see which way works best for you. The key here is to plan your day’s activities and keep track of them. Check off what you have done and make note of any follow-up action that you need to do on your calendar/planner.

Whenever you do not complete a task, move that task to the next day. This will prevent any items from being lost or from falling through the cracks. Ron LeGrand has some great check lists on the Gold Club website.

One way to overcome procrastination is to do the hardest or most difficult tasks first. This will get it out of the way and free up all the mental energy you are using to put off doing that task. You can give yourself a small reward for doing the most difficult tasks first.

The following list is an example of some small rewards we have used when we have completed the difficult tasks first.

  1. Watching an episode of a favorite TV show or movie
  2. Listening to a book on tape, or reading a good book
  3. Listening to music you enjoy
  4. Taking a walk on the beach
  5. Getting a pedicure or manicure
  6. Going to a movie
  7. Having lunch with a friend
  8. Taking some time doing a hobby you enjoy

Make a list of small rewards you can do once you have completed a difficult task.

You will be able to track what you have done and keep track of items you still need to do.

It can be very easy to get off track with family and friends and other obligations. Using a day timer or scheduler will keep you on track with what is important to you.

Remember to schedule in your “date” nights and family time, and remember to schedule in your hobbies. This will give you balance which is important to keep you on track.

Keeping a scheduler will also let you see how much you have accomplished over different times periods.

By keeping a today-schedule, you will have the satisfaction of checking things off the list and a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward to achieve your goals.

In summary, we would recommend using a daily planner/calendar of your choice. Schedule your work hours, meetings, family time, physical activity and playtime so you have a good balance for your health and wellbeing. The key is to write it on your planner/calendar and follow through. Use small rewards to keep yourself motivated especially when you accomplish difficult tasks. We have found that weekly rewards help keep us on track.

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5 Responses to “What’s Stopping You from Getting Started?” by Jeanne Chizek and Michele Hoffecker

  1. Ron Caruthers says:

    Wow. I completely failed. Or passed, depending on how you look at it.

    Great article, ladies. Excellent suggestions and points.

  2. Tom Holyfield says:

    printing this out.

  3. Bill Elliott says:

    This will have a prominent placer on my office BB and at my bi-weekly mastermind meetings.

  4. Benjamin Mayo says:

    This is great information. I used a Franklin Planner for business and personal use before I retired. I achieved a lot of goals I set…how quickly we forget. I will be receiving the Wolff’s course tomorrow. I will start using there scheduler or invest in the Franklin Planner. A daily scheduler really works. As I said above, “how quickly we forget”.

  5. Randy Arnold says:

    this is very helpful im going nin so many directions at times i don know wherther im coming or going

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